Cloudy with a Chance of Operational Visibility: Coriance Takes Utility Data to the Cloud
As an energy services company, Coriance distributes hot water to cities and municipalities across France. Coriance has 30 heating networks spread over multiple substations and its equipment consists of gas boilers, cogeneration engines and more. Unfortunately, its legacy control systems provided only scattered operational data, preventing Coriance from understanding its asset performance and making preventive adjustments. Not only that, engineers relied on Excel reporting, which was cumbersome and complex. All of these hurdles made it impossible to understand energy consumption, optimize power production, and manage meter data from one centralized location. With the help from OSIsoft’s partner Accenture, Coriance turned to the PI System to collect, standardize, validate data, and gain real-time operational insights. Through a unique configuration, the company deployed the PI System in the cloud, giving its engineers access to a flexible solution that today is available anytime and anywhere.