2023 - AVEVA World San Francisco - Oil, gas, and energy
Enbridge: Intelligent Liquid Pipelines & Terminal Operations
In 2018, Enbridge Liquid Pipelines (LP) started to update the AVEVA PI System . By early 2020, LP had standardized their tag names, developed an AF hierarchy and a base set of templates. In 2020, we started to develop a set of customize AVEVA PI Vision graphics for both the terminals and pipelines, which were linked to the AF templates. The combination of custom graphics and templates allows the user to see the overall operating picture as well as quickly find detailed information for almost every operating scenario. Three (3) years on, LP has a custom graphic with linked templates for every pipeline and terminal in our system. The presentation with discuss: our AF base and custom hierarchy, the AVEVA PI Vision displays and graphic templates, and how this has affected our user numbers and the analytics we can conduct on our operating data.
Enbridge Liquid Pipelines
Steven Textor
Steven has a Bachelors and M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He has 30 years of experience in design, construction, startup and operations of pulp and paper mills and pipelines as well as designing heavy oil upgraders. With experience working in Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand, he has seen many approaches to getting operational data into the hands that need it. Add to that, a Six Sigma Master Black Belt qualification drives his need for easy access to good operational data. He has worked for Enbridge Liquid Pipelines for the last 13 years.