How can a residential electric vehicle [EV] charger improve grid reliability, reduce emissions and support clean energy? At OSIsoft's 2015 Users Conference, Dr. Valery Miftakhov presented how eMotorWerks uses the PI System to enable “true vehicle to grid integration” through their JuiceBox Smart[Grid] Charging System. By shifting when and how much electricity the JuiceBox network draws from the grid, the Smart[Grid] System tailors EV charging parameters according to grid conditions to “maximize electric vehicle [EV] charging speed and efficiency while reducing costs.” Using the PI System, eMotorWerks has created a shared data ecosystem “to deliver superior charging performance while providing valuable services to improve grid stability and enable growth of renewable [power] generation.”
Arizona Public Service (APS) is also one of the leading solar utilities in the country with over 170 MW of solar capacity and 40MW slated to come online in the near future. APS' talk addressed both the value of the PI System and their Enterprise Agreement (EA). Katie Hoepfl discussed how Arizona Public Service uses the PI System to manage asset health with only six field technicians. Kurt Pager discussed how their innovative residential solar program is enabled by a collaboration with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the University of Arizona.
Bharat Light & Power (BLP) owns and operates 200 megawatts of renewable energy projects in India. To manage these assets, BLP developed the proprietary Orion platform, built on top of the OSIsoft PI System. Balakrishnan G. Iyer, Chief Development Officer, discussed BLP's new managed services operation, which enables other renewable energy companies to tap into the real-time data and predictive intelligence.
Faced with a downturn in gold prices and rising exploration costs, Barrick Gold,like others in the industry, was under pressure to reduce operational costs. Barrick believed the best way to do that was to improve its utilization of operations and business data. A team inside Barrick believed that by signing an Enterprise agreement (EA) with OSIsoft and better leveraging their existing PI System™, the company could improve utilization of corporate data and dramatically reduce operational costs. But signing an EA would require a large, unbudgeted, capital expenditure at a time when the company was focused on cutting costs.
Michel Plourde, Director of Systems, describes how ArcelorMittal - Mine Canada created an Enterprise Information Hub to make their supply chain more responsive to real-time production conditions and transform their business from a pure push operation to a client-driven, pull business.